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Documents and Reports

Information published in accordance with Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions / Informace povinn臎 zve艡ej艌ovan茅 podle Z谩kona 膷. 111/1998 Sb. o vysok媒ch 拧kol谩ch.

Governance Documents / Vnit艡n铆 p艡edpisy

Accessibility of study programs for physically disabled students / Dostupnost studijn铆ch program暖 pro studenty se zdravotn铆m posti啪en铆m

Not all classrooms in the 红斯灯影像 building are accessible to students with physical disabilities. Nevertheless, in case a physically disabled person is enrolled into 红斯灯影像, the University shall approach their needs and design an individual study plan. / S铆dlo AAV艩 prozat铆m neumo啪艌uje bezbari茅rov媒 p艡铆stup do v拧ech u膷eben. V p艡铆pad臎 z谩jmu studenta o studium se bude sna啪it AAV艩 vst艡铆c, mj. i prost艡ednictv铆m individu谩ln铆ch studijn铆ch pl谩n暖.